Birds Eye Adventures
What does the word adventure evoke for you? For us at Birds Eye, it is what transpires the moment we deviate from “the plan”, by necessity or desire. It is true that businesses that go through a planning process prior to launching are way more likely to flourish. However, this success is not generated from the details outlined in the plan but rather from the application of the skills you built in the planning process to address live challenges and opportunities. So, when answering why Birds Eye chose to include “Adventures” in our business name, the answer is two-fold:
Once the business is rolling, or rocking, we still show up. We are along for the adventure, as our mission states. We are there for the celebrations and the concerns, and to help you tack and change course when necessary. You can learn more about what that looks like here in our customized coaching program.
An escape from the challenges of the day-to-day is mandatory to regain perspective, mitigate burnout, and reconnect with the very heart of the venture. Our adventures and retreats were born out of our client’s needs for escape and recalibration. We customize retreats for teams as well as offer Birds Eye retreats and adventures. We also support entrepreneurs in leading their own self-guided retreats through our resources.
We believe that when you dovetail adventures that include peer-to-peer learning, one-on-one trusted support, and self-guided reflection you are able to holistically approach the challenges at hand, and in mind, with heart.
“Our Birds Eye Adventure provided my business partner and me the space, tools, and professional and personal support to just stop and look at where we are and where we want to go from here in relation to our business growth and our collaborations.”
“This retreat has been one of the most powerfully integrated experiences I’ve ever had. Rare are the times in life when a container is created that fosters connection, healing, productivity, nurturing, inspiration, relaxation, fun, safety, trust and magic all at once. What a gift.”